Agustus 30, 2017

New Appearance!

Yes, people.
I changed the appearance of this blog, a little. I hope it can turn the feels and the atmosphere to be fresher, as well as to boost up my mood in writing the new articles hehe. Btw I changed the layout into 3 columns like many blogs in the beginning of blogging era in Indonesia (2006-2010) because I miss that era. I miss the blogosphere and the blogging spirit of blogging at that momment (well, I guess I should write another full post about that later) and I hope a litle change on this blog might help me hehehe. Plus, I think I should create this page become more magazine-look since I already declared this blog as blogazine last year wkwk.

Well, this is my blogging innovation of 2017.
What's yours?

16 komentar:

  1. Auuul,
    Jadi keren abis blogmu!
    Blog aku kayaknya dari dulu begitu-begitu aja, postingnya pun masih tertatih-tatih bhahahaha
    *terlalu sibuk ngedrama*

  2. Tampilannya iya sih jadi kayak jaman lama......jaman SD......

    tapi buat saya, yang penting itu kontennya bang :) jadi, keep it up!

  3. Hit mine, and see it by yourself :)

  4. Terlihat lebih simpel ya, Mas Aul. Apapun tampilannya yang penting terlihat nyaman, dan bisa konsisten berbagi dan menginspirasi lewat blog ini :)

  5. Mantap! Lebih simpel tapi tetep ramah untuk mata.

  6. Lebih simple dan bisa betah lama lama disini kak

  7. Sadly true :(
    Sekarang blogger-blogger enggak se-seru dulu ya
    Era era lama hiks

    Thank you

  8. ihiiiiir tetep keren lah yaaa
    yang penting headernya... senada dengan yang dulu2
    jadi ciri khasnya masih sama


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