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Hello Everyone. I just realized: there are soo many questions (similar and different) submitted by all of you in the comment form, cbox, e-mail and SMS. And I also realized that I never answered (except via email and SMS). Gosh! How arrogant I am...
I didn't mean to be arrogant. Seriously. I just confused to answer all of questions, coz some questions were private and I could not answer them, of course. hehehe. But finally, I decided to create a special post (or page) to answer many similar questions / Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Prepare a cup of tea or some snacks. Coz It's gonna be a very loooooong post!
Here we go!
Q: Is AUL HOWLER really your name?
Aul is part of my birth name. and Howler is not my birth name. Yes, Aul Howler is my pseudonym as a writer. ( in indonesia we call it: Nama Pena).
Q: Why do you write on blog?
Writing is one of my hobbies. And I always feel happy when anybody read my writings. why blog? because blog is like my own public magazine. I shouldn't ask anyone's promisse to post my writings. Besides, every humans in the world are available to read it. Moreover It's simple and it's free!
If you have short story or others, I'm more than happy to post it on my online magz, AOMAGZ. Just send it to my email or AOMAGZ email (Visit the page to know the steps/email). thanks!
Q: You often write posts in english. why?
Saya tidak bermaksud sok atau songong atau tidak cinta bahasa indonesia atau yang lain-lain lho. TIDAK SAMA SEKALI. Tapi yah, dengan menggunakan bahasa inggris, akan lebih banyak orang yang membaca blog ini (Maksudnya tidak sebatas orang indonesia saja). Walaupun sejauh ini teman-teman blogger saya yang berasal dari luar negri memang belum sampai ratusan (baru belasan blogger sih).
Selain itu, saya sering menulis post dalam bahasa inggris karena saya suka pelajaran bahasa inggris dari SD, dan ingin menguasainya untuk suatu tujuan (masih rahasia). Jadi, dengan banyak2 menulis dalam bahasa inggris (walaupun kadang-kadang berantakan) saya berharap bahasa inggris saya semakin bagus. begitu...
Q: Where do you live?
Padang - West Sumatra - Indonesia
Q: Why do you love owl?
I don't know. I ever saw the owl character in Winnie The Pooh series, and Disney's comiks when I was in elementary school age and since that moment, I like it. Some years later, when I was in junior high school age, I randomly used "Owl_or_Aul" word in my friendster email/id (just because Owl=Awl=Aul sounds similar). Then, one of my classmate, Anne, called me owl. And until now, many friends often call me owl. And I thought, "Why don't I pick owl as my image?". That's why you see so many owl picsin this blog. Silly? :p
Q: Is it true that you write a novel?
Yes, in the progress. Wish it will be published this year! :))
Q: Are you Fashionista / Fashion Blogger?
NO I AM NOT. I post fashion post sometimes, because I'm just interested in it a little and I'm happy to be photographed. [Saya senang memfoto diri sendiri. Muahuehauhuae... semacam narsis :p
Q: Who's your photographer? / The one who took your photo?
LOL. This question is the most-often question asked by people. I think I should answer it in a special post someday. Please wait! :)
Q: Do you love drawing?
Yes I do.
Q: How do you find ideas for your blog posts?
Many ways. Watching TV, reading magazines, surfing on internet (especially pictures), travelling, hanging out, etc are some ways to find ideas. BUT, this ways are available only for blog with random post (like this blog). You cannot travelling to find idea for blog post, if the type/genre of you blog is gadgets or electronic machine Tips. LOL
Q: What do you usually do in free time?
Sleeping, travelling, hanging out, taking photos for blog, online, doing anything I couldn't do in everyday.
Q: How do you manage your blog?
First, I'm not a full time blogger. I have many daily activities in the real life. So, I could not update this blog everyday. I try as often as possible. I use Toshibii-kun (my laptop) for blogging. sometimes on ICT in my campus, sometimes in internet cafe, etc.
About the appearance, I try to design it by my self. Eventhough it's not too good, but I'm sure it's not bad too. hehehe. I don't want to buy domain coz I think my domain now is enough.The last one: I try to write all post originally by my hand. No copy paste. except some picture which I couldn't take by my self (I put the source, of course).
Q: How do you keep active on your blog during a long time?
No. I'm not active on my blog sometimes (example: when I have examinations/tests, when I'm spending holiday somewhere, etc). But I see, some years in blogging (since September 2008) and still active ,was not easy. You know, many bloggers deleted their blogs because they were boring. And I tried hard --seriously-- to not delete my blog because of the same reason. I hope I will never stop blogging. yay! #Spirit
OMG. It's a very long post.
But I think I still forget some questions.
Please remind me, or ask me another/new questions. okay?
Send me through email
Ahh yeaaa...
I also re-active my FORMSPRING account. FINALLY!
So, You guys all also available send your questions here! :)
oh? a novel? what about! :O i'm curious.
BalasHapusand visit my blog. i finally posted about your tag 2-5 months ago. HAHA
Wow. Semoga makin eksis yak ;)
BalasHapusapakah rasia aul dengan bahasa inggris?
BalasHapusSalam kenal Aul... (>o<)/
BalasHapushey lil brotha.. i give you one thing. when you're famous, i think you will be floaded by lotsa question and maybe the question is so private, for you. you must ready, dude. ^^
BalasHapusRALAT: i'm happy to be photographed >> kayaknya lebih bagus kalo kayak gini i'm happy when i'm being object of photography.
just my humble opinion, my little brother... ^^
wah penasaran. novel apa nih
BalasHapusso wonderful..In every time I'm visiting here, I try hard to write in English. And it give me challenge..hopefully I'll better in English even still in writting.
BalasHapusWah...hebat. Tambah keren aja nih Aul. Gue setuju sama kamu dengan menulis menggunakan bahasa Inggris akan mengasah kosa kata bahasa inggris. Meski maburadul tata bahasanya (menurut Aul, tapi menurut gue sudah benar tata bahasanya, coz gue gak bisa bhs Inggris) dengan terus menulis menggunakan bahasa Inggris nantinya akan ikut menjadi benar juga tata bahasanya, karena sudah mengetahui letak kesalahannya. Semoga terus menulis menggunakan bahasa Inggris ya Aul, saya belajar dari blog ini (meski kadang masih membuka kamus). Terima kasih.
BalasHapusthank you so much for follow my blog...
nulis pakai bahasa inggris bisa sekalian melatih bahasa inggris
BalasHapuspenasaran sama novelnya nih :D
Novel ? wow ... cepat terbit dan laris ya novel nya , :D