Juni 19, 2013

Introducing : My new baby boy! (again)

     Hello everyone. I'm really happy now. You know why? I just bought a new camera (I've been dying to buy it since last year, since my mobile camera was unable to be used anymore) Yeah!! Alhamdulillah. Here it is, Canon Powershoot A2300 black. My new baby!

See more about the camera here or on the Canon official site.

     As you guys all know, I always give a name for every stuffs I love (I also do the same with Otoru, my netbook, do you remember?). But I didn't have a nice name for my new camera yet. Any suggestions?

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Updated: I finally call my new camera as... Hedwig!

13 komentar:

  1. hahah, cute, giving name to the thing like they were alive. Anything with blablabla catcher sounds good :p

  2. I always think to give my pet's name with Hiro. But unfortunately i never get a pet *LOL. Then if u like I'll gladly lend you that name :D

  3. Maybe Rangga will be a Nice name, Jiah AADC modev on:D
    because he is a boy, your camera. And my favorite boy is Rangga*blinbling

  4. gimana kalo namanya ngambil dari nama salah satu karakter novel kesukaan aja. Dari harpot misalnya #sekedarusul

  5. canon aja namanya hahahahaha

  6. pasti puas jepret2-nya, blogger emang modalnya, selain komputer, kamera ama pulsa modem. selamat menikmati keebahagiaan ama new baby-nya

  7. errr... i'm thinking of....


    i say, slow.....

    i don't have an idea.... up to you... :P

  8. congratulation sobat atas kehadiran gadget terbarunya..semoga bisa jepret2 foto yang memikat :-)

  9. namain si mungil aja. lebih kayak marmut sih hahahahaha

  10. enakan di panggil new wife aja, alias bukan new baby :)


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