Hello everyone. As what I told you here, Cobie-kun's [my cell phone] camera was in the trouble and I could not use it to take pictures. It was too bad, because I see many cool things almost everyday, and could not capture 'em makes me feel like something is missing. So, when I visited Bunkasai / a Japanese cultural festival held by my campus some weeks ago, I borrowed Nando's cell phone as camera [I've been in the progress of saving money to buy a new camera, if you didn't know] to capture the moments. So, don't be angry if you see many blurry pics. Okay? ;-)
I'm sure you ever saw something like this in anime / japanese cartoon.
It's a classical decoration of Japanese's house. Hearing it makes people relax
Cherry blossom (Sakura) replica, made from paper.
That tissue doll is very similar with Izzue, right? Cool
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Japanese fighter |
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Origami. Art of folding paper |
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Catching-Koi-Fishes games |
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Foods area. They sold Mochi, Ramen, Sashimi, Dango, Takoyaki, Dorayaki, etc. |
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Anime drawings and paintings by students |
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Japanese dolls and souvenirs. |
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You see? |
And the most embrassing moment was when they also asked and forced me and oddie to pay ten thousand rupiah to take pictures while wearing yukata [traditional clothes from japan]. Arghh!!! But lucky us. There were some yukata for boys too. so the clothes DID NOT make me and oddie looks like girls. Fiiiuuuuuhhhh...!! [Syukurlah]
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Up: Oddie and Me Yanee, Fafa and Opha |
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Oddie, Yanee, Fafa, Opha and Me. |
Fafa, Opha and Me.
I like the last photo.
Not too bad. I looks cool. hehe ^^
See you in the next post!
Toowhit Toowhoo!
Actually, there were many events there. Cosplay, dance competition, etc. But I could not capture the photos. Because... Nando's cell phone was off because of low battery.
Wish me wish me wish me wish me get a new camera Soon!
really need it!!
waah seru seru.. bagus Yukata nya... kebetulan tadi siang baru nitip sama temen yang kuliah di Jepang..
BalasHapusWah...meriah sekali bunkasai-nya. Salam ke Sensei yang ada di sana. Buku belajar "Minna no Nihongo" dari Surabaya tuh. Hehehehe....
BalasHapusEhem...Aul dah cocok jadi orang jepang, tuh pake yukata kelihatan keren.
Aku jadi pengen pake yukata, Mas.
BalasHapusBedanya yukata sama kimono apaan, ya -___-?
Wah, pengen ikutan di acara beginian..
Pengen beli dorayaki.nya :D
TK yang jawab aja deh... ^^
HapusBedanya Yukata sama Kimono itu :
1. Kimono itu pakaian resmi dan bentuknya lebih kompleks (berlapis-lapis dan tebal) sedangkan yukata itu lebih ke pakaian sehari-hari, bentuknya sederhana dan tipis... ^^
2. Harga kimono mahal banget... sedangkan yukata murah
kurang lebih kaya gitu mba... ^^
Acara kaya gini ada banyak kok biasanya di kampus2 yang ada jurusan sastra jepang nya ^^
Seru yah... tapi beneran sayang yah karena gak bawa kamera ^^
BalasHapustapi yang penting enjoy acaranya yah ^^
cool , awesome-awesome deh . hehe *sok inggris* :D
BalasHapusahahhaha... eksis banget gan :))
BalasHapuswktu kmren d kmpus ad yg bginian..
tpi qu gk sempet ikutin....
#menyess,,bnget dehhh
Wow kereeen, kaya waktu di depok acara jvest tahun lalu..
BalasHapuslo kok jadi rada kemayu yak *kabuuur
banget! stuju nih sama bang uzay ^_^
Hapushonestly, elo jadi mirip cewe bang. HUAHAHAHAHA
BalasHapuskenapa gak pake pakaian samurai aja sih? HAHAHAHAHAHA :D
Bagus sekali ada acara budaya begini di kampus, Aul kuliah di kampus mana?
BalasHapuswah jadi ingat waktu ke jepang..
BalasHapusseru banget ya :)
BalasHapuspengennya sih nyoba makanannya, hee :)
you see many cool things almost everyday? somehow enviable isn't it? haha
BalasHapusbahasa inggris lo bagus sob*gaknyambung
BalasHapusbtw, fotonya gak ada yang blur kok ..
Mantep mantep ..
seru ye acaranye
i want to see cosplay
BalasHapusKreatif, di kampus saya ga pernah ada acara sekeren ini #miris.
BalasHapusNgiler sama souvenirnya -,-
Oia kalau cerpennya mau disadur, mangga silahkan aja di copas.
keren juga tu gan..,
BalasHapussalam kenal ya.,
tolong di follbek ya gan ...:)
paling gak ngerti aku sama jejepangan gini, aul.juni besok aku diajakin isi stand di festival jepang, hahaha, lebihbaik tolak aja. aku kenalnya cuma sama doraemon doang :p
BalasHapusWow.. nice to have that kind of festival in the campus. :D