Hello everyone. It's 10 days after the latest post, right? hehehe. so sorry. I'm bussy this week. Soooo bussy. The last semester exams will be held at 14 until the end of May. and you know what? I got so many last assignments. I should finish it before the exams started and It's like impossible for me, while I just began to do it. Yeaa... postponing to dosomething until the deadline closer and closer is my bad habbit--could not be eliminated. hehehe...
So this is maybe my last post of the month. I will be hiatus (not-update-this-blog) until June 1st, because I have to finish my last assignments, and I should prepare my self for exams/UAS too. But don't worry everyone. I'll try to keep active in reading your comments, replying it, or read your posts by using cell phone. And oh, as an apology, now I want to hold a GIVEAWAY. yay!
unbranded Cowboy hat, Blaxa shirt, Java land youth style Black T-shirt,
black jeans, Motix America shoes, black glasseless-glasses,
unbranded Owl shape necklace clock, Captain America bracelet.
I'm so sorry. The winner of this giveaway is anyone who's staying at Indonesia only (Because I could not sent the prize if you're not at indonesia). So, anyone who stayed at other countries doesn't have opportunity to win, but you're still allowed to join for fun :)
So, are you ready?
By Aul Howler
I'm sure that anyone here loves to listen musics or songs.
In the radio, Ipod, Mp3 Player or Cell phone.
So, in my 2nd Giveaway, I present you a headphone and music CD (20+ songs inside).
I just bought it some days ago. Special for you :)
Get it free!
All you have to do is answering/explaining reasons of this questions:
What is your favorite song/music? Why?
Caranya mudah:
1. Tuliskan jawaban kamu di form komentar postingan giveaway ini, atau boleh juga dalam sebuah postingan di blog kamu. Jangan lupa cantumkan Nama, kota asal, link blog dan e-mail :)
2. Setiap jawaban akan diberi point. Dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut:
a. Untuk 1 postingan = 4 Point
b. Setiap 1 komentar = 1 point
3. Setiap peserta hanya diperbolehkan menulis maksimal 2 postingan. Bentuk postingan bebas. Apakah berupa review, atau sekedar penjabaran, atau bentuk-bentuk lainnya. Jangan lupa copy paste link postingan kamu ke form komentar postingan giveaway ini.
4. Setiap peserta hanya diperbolehkan meninggalkan maksimal 2 komentar/hari. Jadi kalau misalnya ingin menulis empat judul lagu, judul lagu pertama dan kedua ditulis hari pertama, kemudian lagu ketiga dan keempat di hari berikutnya.
5. Untuk Poin ekstra:
b. Tweet: "I'm joining #ListenToTheBeat Giveaway by @Aulhowler".
Setiap 3 tweet = +1 Point.
6. Setiap 1 point = 1 link. Misalnya, kamu berhasil mengumpulkan 10 point, maka link kamu akan diikut sertakan dalam pengacakan (menggunakan WWW.RANDOM.ORG) pemilihan pemenang sebanyak 10 link. Jadi semakin banyak poin, semakin besar kesempatan terpilih menjadi pemenang. Tapi bukan berarti point terbanyak yang akan menang lho. Semua peserta punya kemungkinan menang. Namanya juga diacak :)
7. Giveaway ini ditutup/Expired tanggal 31 may. Pengumuman pemenang akan dilakukan pada awal juni
Contoh Jawaban:
Lagu favorit saya adalah "To The Sky" - Owl city.
Kerena musiknya bla bla bla....
liriknya bla.. bla... bla... dan video klip nya bla... bla... bla...
Aul ~~ Padang ~~ Just_aul@ymail.com ~~ http://Aul-home.blogspot.com/
Okay! That's all.
Wish me luck for my last semester exams! :)
Good luck everyone!
Toowhit Toowhoo!~