Juni 28, 2013

Home Sweet Home

     Hello everyone. How's your holiday? :)
     Well, baru-baru ini saya telah meninggalkan usia 19 tahun. Saya bukan anak-anak lagi. Dan saya pikir, blog ini juga seharusnya tidak kekanak-kanakan lagi, baik secara isi maupun tampilan. Jadi, rencananya saya ingin mengganti tampilan blog ini. be waiting! hehehe (siapa juga yang mau nunggu)

     Anyway, ada yang tahu kenapa judul blog saya ini Aul and The Home (Aul dan rumahnya)? Sederhana saja. Karena menurut saya blog ini adalah tempat saya kembali, tempat berbagi segala hal, tempat dimana saya menemukan kehangatan, kebahagiaan, kenyamanan, teman, sahabat, keluarga... Seperti layaknya rumah sungguhan. Meskipun rumah impian saya mungkin kira-kira seperti ini:
Hahaha. Just a joke. 
Rumah di Paradise Falls di film UP! ini terlalu mustahil untuk saya ;')

     Talk about home sweet home, beberapa waktu yang lalu saya melihat sesuatu yang sangat luar biasa dari Situs Rumahgratis123. Mereka ingin memberikan rumah idaman senilai Rp 600 juta GRATIS kepada siapa saja yang berhasil menebak kisaran harga sebuah rumah. Just that simple. Isn't it amazing??
Untuk info lebih lengkapnya yuk play video ini: 

Ikuti kuis Tebak & Menang Rumah Gratis dari Rumah123.com. Ada Rumah senilai Rp 600 juta sebagai hadiah utama dan Ipad mini terbaru untuk hadiah mingguannya. So, tunggu apa lagi?

Juni 26, 2013

Surprise from friends

     Hello everyone. Yesterday my friends of mine at campus surprised me with a birthday cake. A handmade cake. Tya (one of them) is the one who cooked it. Wow. My 2nd cake of the year. After that we spent the afternoon at karaoke. Super fun! Thanks alot guys :)

     In the night, my friends and I (all boys in the class) went for hang out in KFC to celebrated my birthday. And before going home we visit beach and Siti Nurbaya Bridge. Totally fun :)


      We accidentally saw a wild turtle in the beach! This was my very first time seeing a real wild turtle (I usually see it on TV or National Geographic channel hehe). Maybe it wanted to lay its eggs. We were afraid if bad people would take the eggs and sell it. That's so cruel. So I took the photo of turtle with blitz light to make it scared. Lucky. The turtle then ran away to the sea. Bye-bye Mrs. turtle. Save your babies!

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Juni 23, 2013

I'm 20 Years Old..

      Happy bornday my self. I woke up in a super good mood. Langit pagi pun secerah hati saya hari ini. Yep, tanpa terasa sudah 20 tahun bernafas, beraktifitas dan menjalani hari-hari di muka bumi ini. Ada banyak sekali kebahagiaan, nikmat, anugerah dan kebaikan-kebaikan yang saya terima selama ini. I'm very grateful for everything. Alhamdulillah :') I love God. Forever.

     And my mom bought a birthday cake for me. She didn't cook it as usual. Akhir-akhir ini beliau sangat sibuk. Terlalu sibuk untuk membuat kue. But it's okay. Paling tidak di rumah sedang ramai. Sekeluarga berkumpul lengkap untuk merayakan pesta ulang tahun kecil-kecilan untuk saya. hehe. I love my family. forever.

     Sejujurnya, saya tidak mengharapkan akan ada kue lagi tahun ini. karena ya... menurut saya umur 20 tahun itu sudah cukup dewasa untuk diawali tanpa kue. hehehe. (sok banget). Dan saya juga mendapatkan ratusan ucapan selamat dan doa hari ini dari teman-teman di facebook dan twitter. Yangjuga mengharukan tentu saja saat bangun tidur, di handphone saya sudah ada beberapa SMS dari para sahabat, dengan segunung doa dan harapan. Thank you thank you thank you! I love you guys all. forever.

I'm a bit nervous, you know.
I mean.. I'm no longer a little boy.
Selamat tinggal masa anak-anak. Selamat tinggal masa remaja.
Hai masa dewasa.
I wish I can be a better person.
Semakin bijaksana, semakin dewasa, semakin2 yang lain..
dan bahagia selalu.
I finally call my new camera as... Hedwig!
Thanks for helping me giving the name :)

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Juni 19, 2013

Introducing : My new baby boy! (again)

     Hello everyone. I'm really happy now. You know why? I just bought a new camera (I've been dying to buy it since last year, since my mobile camera was unable to be used anymore) Yeah!! Alhamdulillah. Here it is, Canon Powershoot A2300 black. My new baby!

See more about the camera here or on the Canon official site.

     As you guys all know, I always give a name for every stuffs I love (I also do the same with Otoru, my netbook, do you remember?). But I didn't have a nice name for my new camera yet. Any suggestions?

~Follow me on twitter~ 

Updated: I finally call my new camera as... Hedwig!

Juni 16, 2013

Busier Than Ever

     Hi everyone. I just finished my first part time job. Akhirnya. Yepp, penelitiannya sudah selesai, dan masa kerja saya sebagai peneliti muda juga sudah selesai. Lelah bukan main. Lelah lahir batin. Saya baru mengerti sekarang, kenapa gajinya sangat besar. Ternyata mewawancarai masyarakat di berbagai tempat dengan deadline yang sudah ditentukan itu tidak semudah dugaan saya. Mencari satu narasumber yang sesuai dengan sasaran penelitian saja susahnya bukan main. Sedangkan saya harus menemukan lebih kurang 112 orang. Belum lagi harus berhadapan dengan mindset masyarakat yang berbeda-beda.. 



      Ini ternyata lebih menyibukkan daripada semua kegiatan yang pernah saya lakukan sebelumnya. Saya sampai harus lembur-lembur loh, untuk menyelesaikan olah data dan mengerjakan laporan-laporannya. Bahkan saya sampai tidak bisa update blog ini lebih dari dua minggu! wow. Tapi untuglah semua sudah berakhir. Sekarang saya bisa tenang menjalani hari seperti biasanya. Dan gaji yang sangat besar ini harus segera dimanfaatkan! hahaha... 
"Bersakit-sakit dahulu, bersenang-senang kemudian", kata orang bijak.

You know what?
I finally bought a new camera!! Alhamdulillah.
Saya akan update blog ini lebih sering mulai sekarang :)

See yaa pretty soon!
Toowhit Towhoo!! 

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Juni 01, 2013

Hi, June! Please Stay Nice..

      Hello everyone! How's life?
    I'm enjoying my holiday, here. No more homeworks, no more assignments, no more tasks, no more organization things, no more student things. Toowhit Toowhoo! Life is good.

     But heyy. There's a problem behind this happiness. I have no money during the holiday. I spent a lot in the last may, in the last day of exams, for hangout and for the celebration of welcoming holiday with my friends. I'm thinking to find a part time job but I found out that it's not as easy as it sound. So I do many things to gain money. For example, I wrote stories and send it to magazines. But I must wait for a too-loong-time for the result. Not fun..

New Flickr, New Adventure

     As a photography lover, I often spend my time surfing on internet, looking for photography photos for pleasing my eyes or collecting them to be the backgrounds for my Otoru-kun (my netbook). So my writing time using Otoru-kun will never be boring. Coz whenever I'm bored, I just need to see the wallpaper/background and it will refresh my mind (I think that works for me. hehehe). Actually there are so many sites which provide the photos I want, but lately I'm falling in love with Flickr.com!

You know, Flickr.com just upgraded their site.
Now, you can upload your photos in the easier way.

And oh, you can upload your photos for 1 Terabyte!

Can you believe that?
It's like you can upload more than 537.731 photos in high resolution.

You also can share your photos in the real resolution.
No resizing, No fading, No blurry adding. WOW!

You can share your photos everywhere!
No matter what gadget you use or what destination you want.

I love every piece of photo in Flickr.com.
Many talented photographers store their masterpieces here.
High quality, high resolution, imaginative, real, just beautiful..

If you're a nature lover like me,
I can guarantee that you will love the photos in Flickr.com.

You can save it easily.
Just right click the photo you want, chose the size you want, save!
But NOT for commercial thingy

     Thats so amazing, right? I usually visit Flickr.com for collecting photos only, for wallpapers or backgrounds or something. But since Flickr.com upgraded their site, I really really want to register and upload photos soon! Sadly I didn't have any camera yet. My phone camera in in the trouble and Urgh!! If I were you I would visit Flickr.com and register now!