Mei 29, 2013

Featured : Singgalang Newspaper

     This is actually the newspaper from 2 years ago, when I was waiting for the announcement of UN result in the last year of highschool. But it have been missing. And I just found it yesterday when I randomly re-cleaned my bedroom. Yay. You never know what treasure you have until you clean your bedroom, right?

First time featured as a writer. 
I was still cool, cute and handsome 17 years old at that momment..
     The Singgalang Newspaper is published and sold in West Sumatera, Indonesia. I was featured in the "ICON" column, SMS Section, 2011 edition. I post this photo here to burn my spirit, to motivate me to write more diligently. Coz the acivities as a student made me lazy to write lately. Hehehehe..

      Btw, I already have some writing projects to spend my super long holiday [3 months! woww].
      Happy holiday & Wish me luck ;)

Mei 25, 2013

Penyanyi Baru Indonesia: Sang Juara X Factor, Fatin!

     Good news: Fatin Shidqia Lubis (16 tahun) yang dari awal kemunculannya telah saya dukung ini akhirnya berhasil menjadi juara pertama di ajang X Factor Indonesia pada Jumat, 24 maret 2013 kemarin. Ia berhasil mengalahkan pesaing terberatnya di ajang tersebut, dengan kesederhanaan dan keunikan karakter suaranya. Siapa yang tidak bangga? I'm Super Proud. Congratulation darling...

(click the images for the source)

     Seperti yang pernah saya bahas di blog ini. menurut saya memang Fatin memiliki X Factor yang sangat besar, melebihi kontestan-kontestan lain yang sudah merupakan penyanyi profesional sebelum mengikuti Kompetisi ini. Bahkan ada yang sudah punya album.Sementara ia hanya pelajar biasa. HOW UNFAIR.

     Sayangnya, sebagian orang masih belum bisa menerima keputusan polling SMS masyarakat se-Indonesia yang mayoritas mendukung Fatin. Sebagian kecil masih menganggap bahwa tidak seharusnya Fatin yang menjadi juara. Sampai bertengkar segala. Kurang kerjaan banget -____-

     But who cares? Toh para juri telah mengakui, dan sebagian besar masyarakat Indonesia juga mengakui bahwa Fatin memang layak menjadi juara. Meskipun mungkin pengalaman, skill dan teknik nya dalam bernyanyi belum sehebat saingannya. Anyway, seharusnya saingannya itu ikut kompetisi Indonesia Idol saja. Karena memang teknik dan kualitas nyanyiannya tinggi, namun tidak terlalu spesial untuk mengikuti X Factor, Menurut Saya. Indonesia butuh penyanyi dengan warna dan gaya baru, dan Fatin adalah yang paling tepat.

Btw Saya suka sekali lagu kemenangan Fatin (sekaligus single pertamanya sebagai penyanyi). Menurut saya lagunya catchy, easy listening (nggak berisik kayak lagu saingannya. capek dengernya. hehe peace :p) dan tema lagunya juga anak muda banget. Judulnya: Aku memilih setia.
See yaa soon!

UAS sudah selesai! Holiday is coming :)

Mei 12, 2013

Brighter Than The Sun

     Hello everyone.
     This month will be the busiest month of the year  for me. General Assembly of BEM, Great Deliberation of Organizations, tons of assignment for end of semester, homeworks, preparation for final exams, etc. I'm tired, actually. But I know that I have to do all of these things, because they determine my bright future. Brighter than the sun, maybe? :p So, I should not give up. Eventhough I have to sacrifice a lot of things. "No Pain No Gain" said the wise man. I wish I could go through this month in high spirit, and then get the best result. Amin

     Now, let's continue this blog post with some photos of my style..

Oversized Yellow Batman t-Shirt, Blue-grey sweater,
Common black jeans, random bracelets, Bariho fashion watch.
     This is my first time editing background for my style. I delete the background for a simple reason: I don't like it. Then I use a random picture as the new background. Not bad.. Huh?

     Anyway, I will be busy in the next two weeks. Maybe I will not update this blog for that momment, but don't worry. I still can visit your blogs, read your comments, reply them, etc. And please please wish me luck for my final semester exams. Will you?

Mei 08, 2013

Beach Beach Beach!

     Well, Hi.
     A few days ago, my aunt and her family, my family and I visited Caroline Beach. It's one of many beaches in Padang, West Sumatera. If I compare it with other beaches, it's not really beautiful, actually. But the plus point of this beach is... The Banana Boat! I've never got chance to ride on it before. And now I can. YEAH.
I think I should not tell eveything. Let the pictures speak...