September 25, 2012

What I Watched Recently

This 2 weeks, I got opportunities to watch this film and concert on TV (at night, before sleeping). And I like it. Did you guys watch this on TV too?

If you guys didn't, View the videos completely on youtube. Coz I just post some here, hehehe...
See you in the next post!


September 20, 2012

Stay Busy! Keep Working!

     Hello everyone. You know what? It's really annoying when we want to write and post more on our blog but we're in the limited time. Example: you're editing your photos for blog and suddenly your leader send you a message that you should attend a meeting soon. very very busy. OMG that's tiring. But I have to admit that being busy is fun! hehehe :)

     Now I wanna post some photos. I have more than a thousand photos in my flashdisk but I'm afraid of too long loading. Ready to smirk...?

September 14, 2012

Cinta di Kelopak sakura

     Aku adalah cinta:
     Nan meringkuk tertidur di gelap kuncup-kuncup menutup; nan berselimut dalam takut akan lenyap terbalut kabut; nan tersembunyi di antara sari-sari pagi--menanti matahari [menghangatkan bumi] sembari menyemangati setiap kaki agar berlari selama musim semi menebar rindu ke setiap hati. Akankah mereka kuasa [seorang diri] karena cinta [acapkali] terbagi?

September 09, 2012

Officially Back. Hossh.. Hossh..

    Tootwhit Toowhoo!! Hello everyone. Finally a half of my busyness began to reduce. Kesibukan saya mulai berkurang! Hosh.. hosh... Syukurlah. Sebagai anggota dari BEM dan Organisasi lainnya, ada banyak sekali acara dan kegiatan kampus yang harus diselenggarakan. Maka beberapa hari ini waktu luang saya penuh dengan rapat. OMG. You don't know how tiring it was. I went to the campus in the morning and went home at night. I spent all break time for meeting. I lost my lunch time almost everyday. And I didn't have blogging time. [crying]