Juni 24, 2012

I'm 19 And I'm Grateful For It

Time passes by so quickly. I didn't realize it, I think. Coz I was busy with my happiness, and I was busy to get more happiness. I enjoyed my life, I enjoyed every breath I take, I enjoyed every moment, and I enjoyed every problem which I had to solve. And now, I've found that I'm 19 years old already! God, I'm grateful for everything. Alhamdulilah :)

Now, I wanna tell you all what I got at my bornday.

I was overslept that day [June 23th]. When I woke up, I didn't see Mom or Dad or others. I was alone in the home. Then I saw a little paper on the table: a message from Mom. She wrote a happy birthday greeting and left a lot of money for me [woohoo!]. hehehe

In the afternoon, I came to the Newspaper office for a meeting with young writers and reporters from some high schools. We're friends and we're in a same team. [I'm the elder and they're the juniors hehe]  :)

After meeting, I got my first surprise. A Birthday cake from the juniors!
woooohooo. I love it :')

It was unpredictable. I ever think that I will never get a birthday cake from anyone.
except my Mom or my family. LOL. But...

I got the 2nd surprise. ARGHHH!!
They're not as cute as what I think...

My face (and shirt) was covered by butter, cream and jam.
So I cleaned it soon. Lucky I brought my jacket inside ransel. But...

Awin, Intan, Ficka, Putra, Vicky, Kiki, and others trapped me up
 on the upstair of office building. I got my 3rd surprise: Flour!

It was annoying. I could not angry. I'm too kind hehe :)

The afternoon was end. Beautiful twilight..
We decided to go to the KFC store (near the office) for having some ice cream.

SinggalangSMS crew [for the cake, butter-cream scrubs, flour war and KFC time.
Thanks to Wanda for the camera & photos. You save my blog!
Thanks to all of people who send me birthday greetings, prays and wishes
in SMS, Email, blog,Twitter, old Facebook, new Facebook, directly, etc.
The last, Thanks to all of you who read this blog :)

Juni 17, 2012

Tips: Cara Seru untuk Menghabiskan Hari Libur Panjang

     Hello everyone! I'm still in a looong holiday (until August). You? WHATT?? Busy? Poor you. [No offense] Hehehehe.. Oke deh pakai bahasa indonesia saja. Well, sekarang saya akan menulis beberapa tips [pendapat pribadi lho, bukan dari buku manapun]. Here we go!

 ~Fun Ways To Spend A Long Holiday~

1. Clean Your Bedroom!
     Jangan anggap sepele. Kesibukan sehari-hari bisa membuat kita lupa atau tidak sempat mem

Juni 13, 2012

Just A Short Announcement and Invitation

1. Kepada Para Pemilik Akun Facebook.
Now, I have a new Facebook account. Saya membuatnya beberapa hari yang lalu. So, Feel free to add me as your friend and get connected with me in facebook. Click Here!
2. Kepada Para Pemilik Akun Twitter
Jangan sampai salah follow! Akun twitter saya hanya satu, yaitu @Aulhowler. Jadi kalau ada akun yang lain berarti palsu. [Ada gitu yang mau bikin akun palsu elo? Amit-amit] Hehehe :p So, if you want to follow me on twitter, simply Click here!

3. Kepada Para Penggemar Cerpen
Berita bagus nih. AOMAGZ yang belakangan terbengkalai karena kesibukan saya, sekarang sudah aktif lagi! Jadi bagi siapa saja yang sedang bosan dan gemar membaca cerita, langsung saja kunjungi AOMAGZ!
Undangan bagi siapa saja yang pernah mempublikasikan tulisannya dimanapun (yang berupa flash fiction, cerpen atau cerbung) bisa mengirimkan tulisannya untuk dimuat di AOMAGZ dengan cara dikirim via e-mail ke AOmagz@Gmail.com atau cukup kirimkan Link blog terkait.
AOmagz! Your Full Of Stories Online Magazine!

Sekian dulu Pengumuman dan Undangan kali ini!
See you in the next post!
Toowhit Toowhoo!

Juni 10, 2012

What I did Last Week

Hello everyone. I'm in a holiday syndrome now: being busy all night long and sleepy all day long. Yup. Saya benar-benar merasa seperti kelelawar. Hehehe...

What did I do last week?
Let the picture speak..
Sleepy all day long...
Btw do you see my hair is curly now? LOL
I think I should cut it and get a better hairstyle. hehehe
keriting-keriting ini karena sering tidur, jarang mandi, dan lain-lain. Eww...

And, Oh!
This is "Tour De Singkarak 2012" screenshoots!
I took it when I visited my cousin's house at Kabupaten Tanah Datar.

Okay, that's all for now.
See you in the next post!
Toowhit Toowhoo!!

Juni 08, 2012

Aku Rindu. Aku Rindu

Oleh: Aul Howler

           Aku Rindu. Aku rindu hangat senyummu kala lidahku menggetarkan untaian kisah-kisah jenaka nyata sesampai raga bernaung di bawah atap yang sama, dalam jumpa sore seusai pesta dengan buku-buku sejak matahari beringsut naik dari tempatnya semalaman menunggu. Mataku pun merindu sekali dua kali [saat-saat lucu] lalu pecah tawamu diantara legit senyum-senyum itu. kau tahu?

Juni 04, 2012

It's Holiday and I'm Back!

     Hello everyone! missing me? hehe. LOL. Finally, all of my "campus time" were over yesterday. Relieve. You know, after some weeks for UAS (last semester exams) I also got an Inaguration and trial, coz now I'm a part of BEM in my faculty. Makes me so busy. I got so many meetings and assignments. Unpredictable. I think I was really tired after that, so I spent some days for taking enough rest. The good thing is: my holiday is started from early June and over about August!! That's more than 2 months! YAY! hehehe... VERY HAPPY :)

Btw, I'm currently playing Harvestmoon GBA game.
Classic, but fantastic. I spent my days to play and play. LOL
Do you ever play this game?

And oh...
I already picked the winner of MY GIVEAWAY using RANDOM.ORG. I was WOWed knowing there are so many participants with so many points/link name to randomize. Thank you thank you thank you!
and TADAAAA... here is the result: