Hello everyone! I'm back! Actually the Mid test ended about two days ago. but you know, I felt so tired after two weeks facing war. I need to take a rest to keep alive. So, I'm sorry for too late coming back. Wish you're not angry at me :) [Emang ada gitu yang nungguin saya update lagi? wkwk]
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source : http://freeimagefinder.com/user/7106304@N05.html |
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sumber : http://www.flickr.com/groups/qemdfinch/discuss/72157602610453004/ |
Aaaahhh I really really miss this blog. and I miss you too!
Do you miss me? LOL. hehehehehehe :D
See you in the next post!
[Well, saya akan lebih sering nge-blog lagi. Yay!]
Toowhit toowhoo...!!
I finally think that both my old background and header are too cildish. So, I try to change the background and header and others [AGAIN].
What do you think? :)
[Sudah agak dewasa? hehe]
Good to know you are coming back :D
BalasHapusiya aul!!! anent beudhzzz:P tambah bagus aja nih design blognya:D
BalasHapusada ada ..
BalasHapusi am waiting for your comment nih :D
wahh .. aul dah selesai ujian.. nia baru mau mulai >.<
Makanya jangan berkicau melulu di tweet.
BalasHapusblogmu terabaikan :))
semagat...lebih dewasa...sedikit..haha...
BalasHapusmiss burung hantu nya aja. hahaha. gak ding....
BalasHapusJiahaha sekalinya posting singkat dan bawa temen nya #eh..
BalasHapuspermisi izin follow twitter nya gan...
BalasHapushonestly, i'm not missing u
BalasHapusi'm missing YOU!
hahahaa #gaje
huhuuu...nice to meet you again...yeaahhh
BalasHapusAkhirnya...adik ku yang lucu dan Narsis balik lagi. Gimana Ujiannya. Semoga bisa mengerjakan dengan baik ya. Ayo tulis lagi yang lebih lucu adik.
BalasHapusGimana ujiannya? semoga hasilnya memuaskan :)
i miss your update boy....... hahahaha... it's serious!!! :D
Hapusyour blog looking is little different from the last. :P
BalasHapuslooks better. the dancing grass is really funny.
BalasHapusyeah, kinda miss your another post. how was your mid smt?
aul nya mana ?? ckckck
BalasHapusHahaha iya agak dewasa.
BalasHapusYang kemaren juga bagus sih... :D
udah selesai nih UTSnya :D
BalasHapuslebih simple backkground yg skrg :D
suka tampilan baru aul >.<
BalasHapusajarin dnk >.<
kesian, habis berjibaku dengan diktat2, hahahahaha jgn sampai ejakulasi tanpa diapa2in yah. bwakakakakakakakkk
BalasHapuslama g liat, emang kmana??? :D
Burung hatuuuuu :D
BalasHapusahhahaa. . btw gimna ujiannya. .:)