April 04, 2012

Thank You So Much To [Uda] Ahmad Fuadi

     Hello everyone. Last sunday I attended a seminar/talkshow in my faculty. It was about journalistics, writing news, writing stories, etc. I decided to come, because I never attending a seminar yet (since 2012) while every student in the faculty should collect the points from certificate by attending seminars, joining contest, participating as event organizer, etc. And what makes me interested to come to this seminar is because of this books..

Negri 5 Menara and Ranah 3 warna novels by Ahmad Fuadi

If you are a good follower of this blog [hehe :p ] I'm sure you ever read in my posts that I'm in the progress of writing a novel. So, attending seminar about writing novel absolutely interesting for me. Moreover, one of the presentator is one of my favorit novelist, Ahmad Fuadi, author of Negri 5 Menara and Ranah 3 warna novels.

The seminar event was held by BROCA, a journalistics club in my faculty.
I love the decorations of that stage.

He's very kind and friendly. he has a down-to-earth personality.
And he's brilliant. I got soo much new knowledge about writing novel.
And I used this opportunity to ask some questions about writing novel too.
Woww... that was one of the best moment in this month.

Lucky me. 'Uda Ahmad Fuadi' chose my question as the most favorite question among many questions.
I got the main doorprize!

Guess what?? It was a new handphone!
Toowhit toowhooo!! Lucky!!

photo session

Me and my new mobile phone. Me likey!
It was slim and mini and simple and cool.

another suprise.
I didn't realize that there were reporters who took the photos
when 'Uda Ahmad Fuadi' gave me the doorprize.
It was published on "Padang Express" newspaper April 2nd edition.

Okay! that's all for now. Me happy! hehehe :D
See you in the next Story!

16 komentar:

  1. Hore...Finaly you met Anwar Fuadi. Congratulations to my brother Aul, you got a new handphone. I hope you become famous author like Ahmad Fuadi.

  2. selamat-selamat .... bagi2 HPnya juga boleh .. hahaha
    sampe2 masuk koran juga tuh

  3. AAAAAAAAA salah kamar -_____-

  4. hebat, ampe dapat dorprise^^...

  5. ciyeee, yg dpt doorprize. hadiahnya lumayan juga tu, ul :D

  6. asiknya udah ketemu dan mengambil ilmu dari Ahmad fuadi, bisa foto bareng, dapet HP lagi :D

  7. wah keren hadiahnya. sip sip....

  8. aul..keren blogmu....suka saya..

  9. mau hapenya dong, hehe. Semangat menyelesaikan novelnya :)

  10. wuidiiiihh, udah ketemu sang novelis dapet hp juga.. mupeng.. mau juga uL..

  11. wah...............beruntung banget...ane cuma bisa baca novelnya...

  12. Jadi sobat seorang journalis ya. Di fakultas apa itu bang? Kang share dong hasil seminarnya. Ane kan juga pengen ngerti cara-cara untuk menjadi seorang novelis gitu. Selamat ya dapet doorprize handphone.

    *maaf komentarnya nggak pakai bahasa inggris, kurang bisa. Kalau baca sih lumayan paham apa yang ingin di sampaikan he..he..

  13. great picts :)
    sukses slalu aul
    salam kenal ya


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